It was almost a year ago that I decided to set out on a concerted journey to find better ways to bridge the gender gap in audio. And what a year it’s been - greater than my wildest expectations. SHE-Q Audio was one of the more recent offspring of this incredible year.
IWD is an annual occasion to celebrate how far we’ve come - and we are improving for sure! But also how far we have left to go. The economic and creative empowerment of women and non-binary folks remains a challenge that we all need to work together to address, across industries, and across walks of life.
Throughout this year I’ve been so inspired and motivated by the baddest bitches in Canada and beyond - who are all talented, knowledgable, hardworking, and special in their own ways. And when we band together, I’ve realized we can be a crazy powerful femmegazord (where my Power Rangers peeps at!) where we can use our influence to better ourselves, our fellow women/non-binary professionals, and the industry and community at large.
And a special shout-out to our partners in industry, non-profit, and government spaces who have recognized that empowering and raising up women/non-binary people is an enormous opportunity in so many ways. It turns out we are all so much better and stronger when we work together, because there’s so much common ground to be had . We can do well by doing good. Can’t wait to keep expanding the ways we work together and lift each other up.
The future is bright. Can’t wait to keep turning up the light and bringing more people aboard our sparkly pink spaceship.
I can’t wait to find out where we’ll be in 2025!